How can we regulate our emotions during continuously challenging and ever changing times?

How are you feeling? Perhaps this question is harder to answer than usual, perhaps you take a deep breath or a sigh before attempting to answer, or perhaps you are more connected with yourself and your emotions than ever and you can answer this easily... Wherever you sit, I want you to pause and really think about this. Where are you on the emotion scale? How have you been feeling this week? This month? Are your emotions very varied, or is it becoming very similar? 

We are all feeling such a range of emotions at the moment, and for many of us, new emotions that we may not be used to. We must give ourselves the time to look inwards, to check in with our emotions. Once we know how we’re feeling, we can ask ourselves how we are dealing with these emotions? What measures do we have in place and are these working? 

We must learn to regulate our emotions, the key to this is becoming consistent with our personal strategies. Being mindful and paying very careful attention to what strategies are working for us and helping us to reach our goals, balance our wellbeing and grow as individuals forming healthy relationships. Honing in on these strategies, and then ensuring we are consistent. 

So, you’ve sat and really thought about how you are feeling. Now, what have you done so far to manage this perhaps vast range of feelings? Have you been doing anything in particular? Have you been pushing them away and ignoring them? Have you been trying to find a helpful strategy and perhaps not yet got there? 

There are two types of strategies that we can focus on at the moment to help us. There are the strategies that help to set us up to be in a better state to deal with emotions or challenging feelings. These include things like having a good amount of sleep, eating healthily, exercising and moving the body regularly, having positive relationships with those around you, exciting goals and work that means something to you. The second type of strategies are those that we use in the moment, when faced with challenging emotions. These can be ensuring we pause and take a breath before reacting, going out in the fresh air for a walk straight away, calling a loved one or someone you trust or perhaps meditating or doing Yoga to help calm yourself immediately. These are all suggestions of things that work for me, that I use in the moment when faced with challenging emotions and I try to ensure that I am consistent with them, however of course this is difficult and takes practice! 

So, give yourself the time you need each day to check in and see where you are on the emotion scale. You could perhaps write this down if you are intrigued by what’s coming up and why. Once you've checked in with how you are feeling, give yourself what you need or do what you need to do in order to manage those emotions. And keep up with your daily strategies to ensure you are in the best state to combat whatever life throws at you! And please let us know, what are your strategies? How are you dealing? Let us all share with each other to help each other. 

From our hearts to yours, Alis & Daniella x